January 25, 2019


We are closing out the first month of the new year, and the students have embraced our solar system, space, and constellation studies with gusto.  Kindergartners methodically created their own paper version of the solar system after hearing lessons from Ms. Melissa and Ms. Diana about each planet.

Creating planet books.

Creating planet books.

Keeping with Montessori practices of presenting material in a concrete way, the children were taught about our solar system through songs and movement.  During whole group instruction, one child was chosen to be the sun, another the earth, and the third child represented the moon. The proper rotation times were then recited. For instance, “it takes 365 days for the earth to go around the sun” and “it takes 28 days for the moon to go around the earth.”  An ample supply of planet books in our science area gave even our students the chance to learn about our solar system.

Learning about "magnetic and non-magnetic" objects.

Learning about “magnetic and non-magnetic” objects.


Exploring Arctic animals.

Exploring Arctic animals.

On to a more earthly subject, considerable effort is used to teach and reinforce grace and courtesy in the classroom.  Every Wednesday morning, Ms. Melissa gives a whole group peace lesson. At times she had talked about what makes someone a good friend (a good friend is kind, a good friend is helpful, and a good friend listens to your words).

Playing Spanish bingo.

Playing Spanish bingo.

It has been wonderful to watch our students employ these guidelines in some of their social relationships! Ms. Melissa routinely emphasizes the importance of using good manners.   It has a profound effect on the room when students are using their good manners.

Practicing grading colors from dark to light.

Practicing grading colors from dark to light.

As their interactions are respectful of each other, the room is more peaceful and deeper levels of concentration and learning are experienced in the space.  Let’s keep this process going both at home and at school. We find that the more children use “please and thank you” in their daily interactions, the more natural and unprompted their responses become.



Thank you to Evangelina (Roman’s mom) and Heidi (Carl’s mom) for orchestrating the cooking project this month.IMG_4728




Wednesday, 1/30 is kindergarten re-enrollment information night at 5:00 pm for the 2019-2020 school year.  All families who have currently enrolled pre-K children are encouraged to attend.

Writing in Spanish.

Writing in Spanish.


Thursday, 1/31 is 1st grade re-enrollment information night at 5:00 pm for the 2019-2020 school year.  All families who have currently enrolled kindergarten children are encouraged to attend.


Friday, 2/1 is the PTO Family Bollywood Dance from 5:00 pm-9:00 pm, see you all there!


A Kindergartner giving a “touch tablet” lesson to a younger student.

Tuesday,2/5 is Parent/Child night where your child demonstrates favorite works in the classroom. Families whose last names begin with A-M are invited to the classroom from 4:15 pm-5:00 pm. Families whose last names begin with N-Z are invited to the classroom from 5:00 pm-5:45 pm.



A great big thanks to Noel, Simon, and their families for providing delicious snacks and beautiful flowers for our classroom.






January 11, 2019


Happy new year to all of our families!  We have gotten off to a great start this year, as each of the children returned to school eager and ready to meet the challenges of being in a Montessori classroom.  A quiet, engaged hum has descended upon the room as we see the children working with purpose, concentration, and looks of deep satisfaction.

Learning about islands and lakes.

Learning about islands and lakes.

We are focused on learning about the solar system, space, and the constellations during the month of January.  Learning about our solar system is always fun as we begin to explore amazing concepts like how big the sun really is in relation to the planets, and getting a sense of the vastness of space.  We sing a planet song that describes the order of the planets and the fact that they all rotate around the sun. Language acquisition in a Montessori classroom is a continuous process where real terminology is introduced and practiced regularly.

Feeling an iceberg with polar bear model.

Feeling an iceberg and using a polar bear model.

Now would be a good time to watch a sunset with your child and experience the transition from day to night (the rotation of Earth on its axis).  Although it appears like Earth is stationary in space, our planet is actually moving 67,000 miles per hour around the sun. It takes 365 days for Earth to make a full rotation around the sun. You also may want to point out the moon and explain that it orbits our Earth in a 28 day cycle.  Looking up at the night sky can also fuel wonder in your child as they begin to tune into the natural environment around them.


Exploring pine cones with a magnifying glass.

Exploring pine cones with a magnifying glass.

Completing the decimal layout.

Completing the decimal layout.


Kindergarten enrollment information night is on Wednesday, 1/30 at 5:00.  A great opportunity to learn about what makes the FMS Montessori Kindergarten program so special.  


First grade enrollment information night is on Thursday, 1/31 at 5:00.  Enjoy a thorough description of making a smooth transition from our primary to our lower elementary grade level, including the diverse and rich curriculum.



Friday, 2/1 is our PTO Family Dance from 5:30-9:00 at the Henderson Convention Center.  You may purchase tickets for this school-wide event in the courtyard starting on Monday 1/14.IMG_4625IMG_4624IMG_4613 (1)

Tuesday, 2/5 is our second Parent/Child Night: Students whose last names begins with  A-M (4:15-5:00) and students whose last name begins with N-Z (5:00-5:45)

Celebrating a chapter book party in Kindergarten:


Thanks to Ben, Penelope, Carl and their families for supplying healthy and beautiful snacks, in addition to flowers for our classroom.

Constructing an igloo.

Constructing an igloo.




December 14, 2018


With winter break just around the corner, we reflect on the enormous satisfaction and joy we feel in teaching your children.

Completing the bead chain pyramid.

Completing the bead chain pyramid.

Each day we begin fresh with the hope that some concept or process will inspire a student and they will experience a true joy for learning.


It is in the repetition of handling the materials and in completing the processes that a Montessori education really takes hold. So many components go into creating and sustaining a productive Montessori classroom including the space, the materials, the teacher’s experience; but the most profound ingredient is the children and, by extension, their families.

Working with icons from Europe.

Working with icons from Europe.

We know that you are the foundation of FMS, and it is your attentive care for your children that makes our work so rewarding.  


During this holiday season when the “doing” can be overwhelming, and it is easy to tire out, we hope that you will find quiet moments of “being” together.  The gift of time that we share with one another can not be overlooked.


It is in the unhurried moments of spending time together which nourish the whole person.  Laughing together, snuggling with a good book, or watching a favorite movie are all the layers of love that leave a lasting impression on both the child and the parent. IMG_4599

We wish you a peaceful and joyful winter break, and are looking forward to being together again in the new year.


CA$H for CASH is going so well!  We are deeply touched by the generous outpouring of support for this important cause.  Thank you to all of our families who have contributed to this worthy cause.


Thanks to Evangelina (Roman’s Mom) for baking gingerbread cookies with us.



Winter Break begins on Friday, 12/21  School dismissal is at 11:15am.


School resumes on Tuesday, 1/8/2019.


No school on Monday, 1/21 in celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Using fine motor skills to unlock the doors of the house.

Using fine motor skills to unlock the doors of the house.

Kindergarten enrollment information night is on Wednesday, 1/30 at 5:00.  A great opportunity to learn about what makes the FMS Montessori Kindergarten program so special.


First grade enrollment information night is on Thursday, 1/31 at 5:00.  Enjoy a thorough description of transitioning from our primary program to the lower elementary grade level, including the diverse and rich curriculum.

Making a model of Stonehenge.

Making a model of Stonehenge.


Thanks to Valentina, Lily, and their families for supplying healthy and beautiful snacks, in addition to flowers for our classroom.




December 1, 2018

Manipulating triangles from the triangle box.

Manipulating triangles from the triangle box.

As we approach the holiday season it is quite easy to be swept up in the hustle and bustle of activities, and to lose touch with the quiet routine of daily life.  In the classroom, we keep routine sacred. It not only gives us the guidelines for conducting a productive day, it brings a sense of security to our students because they know what to expect.


They also understand their role in this process.  Independence and movement in the classroom depends directly on the ability of our students to work respectfully with the materials, and then return the work purposefully to its proper place.  


Building with the brown stairs and the pink tower.

Building with the brown stairs and the pink tower.

When students forget or ignore this part of the routine, we gently and clearly remind them of this process to ensure materials are ready for other friends to use.

Working with the knobless cylinder box.

Working with the knobless cylinder box.

The underlying expectation in our classroom is everything has its place and materials need to be ready for other children to use them. This readiness allows the whole room to function in an organic way as the children are able to reproduce lessons they were given by a teacher.



In the repetition of the lesson, they move from the initial understanding of the concepts to a mastery level of utilizing the materials.


Thank you to all our parents who chaperoned the kindergarten field trip to Red Rock Canyon.  It is one of our most anticipated field trips and we appreciate all the enthusiasm from parents to help us make it successful.  A wonderful natural playground in our Las Vegas backyard, we encourage you to visit Red Rock Canyon as a family.

Matching letters on the blue stepboard.

Matching letters on the blue stepboard.


Every year, primary conducts a service project.  We will be implementing it starting the week of December 10th and more details will be coming.



Winter break begins on Friday, 12/21 with dismissal at 11:15 am.  School resumes on Tuesday, 1/8.



Thanks to Simon and his family for supplying healthy and beautiful snacks, as well as flowers for our classroom.



November 19, 2018


Grace and courtesy are foundational themes in a Montessori classroom.  Grace refers to how a child moves in the space, how they handle the materials and how they function overall in the room.  Courtesy refers to the manner in which students speak and act with their peers and towards their teachers.



There are continuous opportunities to practice grace and courtesy throughout the day, such as lining up to wash hands before lunch, lining up for recess, and  sitting attentively with the whole group during circle time. Courtesy is also modeled when the children have differences among themselves.


Learning how to interact with others and to engage in conflict resolution when things are not “going your way” are some of the key concepts we guide on a daily basis.


We’ve also spent some time talking about “tattling” to a teacher with the underlying intent of getting another child in trouble.  Instead, we encourage our students to get out the peace rose and talk through their feelings directly with each other. The use of the peace rose is taught through our peace curriculum.  Using the rose as a tool gives each child the opportunity to speak, while the other child is listening.

The peace rose.

The peace rose.

When using the peace rose, we have taught the children to begin their dialogue with “I feel.”  This instruction helps each child to identify their own feelings and to quickly recognize the emotions of the other child.  Communication about how to solve the problem then takes place, with assistance from teachers if needed.  When resolution is achieved, the children each hold the rose and declare “friends” or “peace.”

Working together on 3-part cards of North American animals.

Working together on 3-part cards of North American animals.


Completing the decimal layout.

Completing the decimal layout.

Thank you to all our families who donated clothing for Project Homeless Connect, your generosity is greatly appreciated!


We enjoyed seeing our students teaching their moms and dads various jobs in the classroom during our first (of three) Parent/Child nights.  Thank you for making the time for this important experience.

Sand painting.

Sand painting.


No school 11/21-11/23: Enjoy the Thanksgiving Holiday!

Flags of North America.

Flags of North America.


Thanks to Ben, Alex, Logan, and their families for supplying healthy and beautiful snacks, and flowers for our classroom.

Tweezing beads onto a wooden North America continent piece.

Tweezing beads onto a wooden North America continent piece.