

We have settled easily into our first few weeks of school.  Since the vast majority of students are returning from last year, the children are familiar with the fundamentals of being in a Montessori classroom, such as applying the grace and courtesy lessons which help guide the children to handling materials with respect and focus, and also to treat each other with care and awareness.





The children are practicing with familiar works in a manner that shows us they understood the core lesson involved.


Once a solid foundation is laid on how to use the materials in a specific way, the child builds confidence each time they engage the job, and the more focused and satisfied they look when they are doing it.


The handful of children, new to our classroom, have also integrated easily due to the positive influence of their peers.


There is a group awareness of how to move in the classroom, how to handle materials, how to listen to directions and it is positively affecting our new students.

Our foundation is laid, and the positive growth is there before us.


Please continue sending in healthy lunches.


We ask the children to lay out a napkin on the table and set their food upon that during lunch. We provide paper napkins when necessary, but ideally a cloth napkin should be sent in with them.



We were nurtured by the wonderful snacks and flowers brought in by Zoey and Eli (and their families) and we are grateful to them for doing that.


If you would like to sign up to bring in snack or flowers, see the sign up sheet by the door.


Thank you for a wonderful start to our 2014-2015 school year!





Welcome to our new school year!


Welcome back to the 2014-2015 school year! We hope that you had a relaxing and reinvigorating summer; traveling to new places, eating delicious food and enjoying special moments together.



Our P1 classroom is awaiting the arrival of all our returning and new students. We are excited to explore and learn about Safety, Apples and Nutrition in September.


We look forward to seeing all of you this Thursday night (8/20) during our “Meet and Greet,” here at FMS, from 5-7pm.  9.2.3

It is a good time to drop off your child’s change of clothes and three recent pictures. We recommend providing a complete set of clothes labeled with your child’s name. 

See you here this Thursday evening!!


Ms. Melissa, Ms.Diana, Ms. Nancy


Dear our wonderful P1 Families,

The end of our school year has finally arrived, wow what a journey! We hope you have seen as much growth and independence in your child as we have. Each one of them has worked so hard daily to become who they are and we appreciate each and every one of them. We wish you a safe, cool summer and look forward to seeing our friends over the break or in the fall for the 2014-2015 school year. It has truly been a pleasure spending time and teaching your children in P1. We would also like to say thank you to everyone involved in making your child’s time here the best and most memorable it can be. Without your time and support, we wouldn’t have such great events, fun field trips and delicious snacks. Everything you’ve done has served a great purpose and we are grateful to have such great parent involvement here at FMS.

Friday, June 6th school will be dismissed at 11:15 am. Your children may bring a book to share, their yearbook to get signed by friends and/or board games to share. Afternoon friends are welcome and please make sure all items are labeled.

Once again, thank you for such a great school year and for allowing us to touch your child’s life. See you soon,

Ms. Jessie, Ms. Brianna & Ms. Julie

Final days until Summer

The days are getting warmer as we wind down to the end of our 2013-2014 school year. Please apply sunblock to your child daily before coming to school and make sure any hats, visors, and water bottles are labeled with your child’s name. Tomorrow is Field Day, please label all items brought to school with your child tomorrow.

Important Dates to Remember:

Wednesday, May 21st: Field Day. We will begin at 8:45. Afternoon friends are welcome to join us. Please provide safe, close-toed shoes, change of clothes & towel, and sunblock already applied.

Monday, May 26th: NO SCHOOL Memorial Day.

Friday, May 30th: Kindergarten Late Night. 5:00pm-8:00pm.

Wednesday, June 4th: Kindergarten Moving-Up Ceremony. 1:30pm

Friday, June 6th: Last Day of School, 1/2 Day. 11:15am dismissal.

Our final units of study are the continent of Africa, Insects and Invertebrates. We have learned that insect bodies are divided into 3 parts, they have 6 legs, 2 antennae, lay eggs, are the smallest, oldest and most populous on Earth. We discussed the different uses their body parts have and how they are different from us. This week we will talk about other animals around us that are invertebrates, where they live, what they eat and their use for the world around us. Ms. Jessie also gave us an important lesson on Ghana, a country in Africa. We learned what resources we get from here, what their flag represents and many other important things about the animals and people of Ghana.

It has been such a pleasure working with each and every one of your little beings here in P1. We hope you join us for a week of summer camp here at FMS. Have a wonderful, safe weekend!


Ms. Jessie, Ms. Brianna, and Ms. Julie


Marvelous May!

Hola to all of our wonderful families. Big, delicious thank you to our P1 parents and PTO for the Cinco de Mayo lunch on Monday. It was greatly appreciated by all staff.

The month of May is filled with many fun things for P1. We finish off last months unit with a rainforest assembly on Monday and will begin our study on Africa, insects, and invertebrates. Please be aware of all the upcoming dates so you don’t miss a thing, And don’t forget to check out the outdoor classroom blog to see your children working outside with Ms. Val, Ms. Marian, and Ms. Kim.

Important dates to remember:

Friday, May 9th: Mothers Day Tea 10:30am-11:15am

Tuesday, May 13th: P1 Spring Program at 11:00am We are asking our children to wear any denim bottoms (pants, shorts, skirts) and a solid colored shirt.

Wednesday, May 21st: Field Day. Please dress your child in safe, close-toed shoes.

Monday, May 26th: NO SCHOOL Memorial Day

Friday, May 30th: Kindergarten Late Night

Wednesday, June 4th: Kindergarten Moving Up Ceremony

Friday, June 6th: Last Day of School, School dismissed at 11:15am

This summer Ms. Brianna and Ms. Jessie will be teaching at FMS for Summer Camp! Sign up today to spend a few weeks with us during the hot, summer months.

Ms. Brianna Week 1: Rainforest Adventure. June 9th- June 13th

Ms. Brianna Week 5: Goin’ Green: July 7th- July 11th

Ms. Jessie Week 6: Animal Planet: July 14th-July 18th

Ms. Jessie Week &: Fun and Fitness: July 21st-July 25th


Have a wonderful week and please let us know if you have any questions about the remaining weeks of school. See all our P1 Mother’s this Friday!!


Ms. Jessie, Ms. Brianna, Ms. Julie

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