Greetings from P1







We opened our week with a West African dance and drumming group who preformed for the primary classrooms.  There were four performers who filled the multipurpose room with songs and drumming.  Several of the children were invited to learn a dance and go on stage.  The finale was amusingly performed by the dancers and most of the primary teachers who were taught a traditional “harvest dance.”










We are looking forward to our parent teacher conferences starting next week and appreciate the quick response from our families for signing up.  Please keep in mind that the meeting is for parents without your children as we want to utilize the time slot (15minutes) most efficiently in giving you a view of your child in our classroom. 


Thursday, October 25th you will find P1 transformed into the country of BOLIVIA as we participate in our Foothills Montessori School’s International Children’s Day. We are excited about bringing this part of South American culture to life in our classroom.  Please check SignUpGenius for more details of how you can get involved.


A big thank you to the Sanchez family for providing delicious snacks for the classroom this week!


Have a good weekend.


Ms. Lina, Ms. Nancy, Ms. Julie