Hola! DESDE P1







As we settle into our daily routine, we are seeing our brand new students engaging in lessons and getting their hands on foundational Montessori materials including the classic sand paper numbers (0-9) and sand paper letters.  These are materials designed to convey a tactile and visual representation of the building blocks of Math and Language.  It is a joy to have students respond willingly to sitting for their lessons and to see a new understanding of the materials once the lesson is given.

 At the same time, we are observing our older students engage in higher level thinking by using the more advanced materials in the room.  The older students really do lead the younger ones, simply by engaging with the materials and creating an example of how to do the work.   Our room is filled with children not only thirsty for lessons and new experiences, but also a willingness to reach out to other children in the class, often demonstrating their new found knowledge directly to their peers.









We are grateful for the parents who have returned our volunteer sheets and are happy to inform you that Maria Berkovits has stepped into the role of our room mother.  Maria has an education background (among other skills) and brings to our classroom an easy and efficient manner.  She has set up different sign up sheets on our “Sign Up Genius” website and we encourage all of you to explore the site.

 We are still looking to fill in our snack schedule so if you are interested please check our sign in sheet available at the door or through the Sign Up Genius web site. 







A big thank you to Krishna and his family for providing the delicious healthy snacks  this week. 







Have a wonderful weekend.


Ms. Lina, Ms. Nancy, Ms. Julie