Happy New Year!  We hope that you had a restful and fun filled winter vacation. 


 A big thanks to Maria (Emma’s mom) and to Jina (Oscar’s mom) for orchestrating two wonderful winter crafts for our students to create during our last day together before break.  A good time was had by all!



Many of the children have returned taller and with their faces looking more mature.  It has been a pleasure watching their focus and quiet determination in working with familiar jobs as well as receiving and applying lessons for more challenging work. 







































Part of our cultural and geography curriculum focus for the month of January is on “space.” It is such a vast subject that explaining something as grand and mysterious as the cosmos to our students in a simplified and relevant way is a great exercise in streamlining facts. It is amazing to see the understanding of our children as we explore this subject and to hear some of their questions and observations.  We may have some budding scientists on our hands. 

  We spoke about the planets and the importance of the sun as the source of life on our planet.  An orange was used to symbolize the sun. 


  We went outside and felt the sun on our bodies.  Then we enjoyed eating a slice of orange knowing that it was because of the energy of the sun that the orange was able to grow and then found its way to our hands.  We invite you to read books to your children related to this topic and welcome you to share a presentation in the classroom as well.



 Monday 1/21 there is no school in observation of Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebration


Monday 1/28 there is an all school primary assembly at 10:00am and our afternoon students are welcome to join us for the assembly and stay for lunch

 A big thanks to Emma and her family for providing our delicious snack this week.

 Have a restful weekend.

 Ms. Lina, Ms. Nancy, Ms. Julie