Greetings from P1






In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we were touched by the sweet introduction of “the Kindness Wreath” to our classroom, by Krishna and his mother, Dr. Nalini Velyudhan.  The concept was simple, the effect profound.  After reading a book about being thankful, we were presented with a heart-shaped wreath and varied colors of ribbon.  We took turns saying what we were grateful for and then tied a ribbon on the wreath.  Together, we created a beautiful reminder of our connection to each other and the abundance of life’s bounties that we all share. 








Wrapping up our month of studying North America, we were enriched by a personal look at Canada, given by Addie Gross’ mom, Katy.  She gave us a close up look at the wonder and beauty of living in Canada and the friendliness of our neighbors located North of us.  Thank-you. 









We also looked at Black Elk’s medicine wheel and learned about the intersection of the black road (path of life lessons) intersecting with the red road (path of peace).  At the center where the two paths cross we have the opportunity for thoughtful action leading to the point of balance between all the natural forces, and the place where balance and imbalance meet.  This center is the “power of the world’, the unity behind and within all things.  It was symbolized by a blooming tree, with birds living in it.  The children loved to work with this activity and some brought their own work home.  A special THANKS to Maria Cavalle for making the medicine wheel.










We are so grateful for the overwhelming response by our families for donating food to our canned food drive.  It really is a testimony to the generosity of our community.  A hearty thanks to all of you who have participated.


Thanks to Tommy and his family for providing snack this week.







Have a restful weekend,

 Ms. Lina, Ms. Nancy, Ms. Julie