

The revered Chinese philosopher, Confucius, uttered this famous phrase:

“I hear and I forget,

I see and I remember,

I do and I understand.”


This summarizes a key component of the Montessori philosophy which is the power of a child to be immersed in the process of learning as compared to simply generating product (paperwork, saying the right answer).  It is a subtle and profound Montessori perspective.

Working with the "4-chain"

Working with the “4-chain”

In our culture, there is such a drive for people to say and give the “right answer” that the deeper experience of methodically doing the process is not given the priority it deserves.



 In Montessori education, the process is the focus of our lessons. When a student is given a lesson for the first time, there is a profound order and process that is imparted: how we lay out a lesson mat, carefully select the material, carry the material to the mat, place items from left to right in a specific order, and returning the activity to the proper location in the classroom so it is ready for the next child to do.

Giving a lesson using the 5-chain.

Giving a lesson using the 5-chain.


This allows the child to see a clear, quiet path to the successful experience of using the materials to achieve its aim (whether it be a math problem, an activity designed to develop the senses or a writing exercise).

working with the color tablets

working with the color tablets

On a deeper level, the child has a way of repeating the lesson themselves.

shape matching "step board"

shape matching “step board”

Practicing a lesson independently from the teacher builds intellectual confidence in the child, as they see that their actions lead to the same positive results experienced in the first lesson.

working the "1,000-chain"

working the “1,000-chain”


Letting ourselves, as teachers and parents, step back and engage the child with the long view of imparting process instead of generating immediate results, takes discipline and awareness of why we are doing what we are doing.

initial bead stair lesson

initial bead stair lesson


Eventually the process will take hold in the child and their true independence will be served.


Spanish bingo

Spanish bingo

PTO Movie Night at FMS on Friday, 9/25.  This is a great way to meet other parents and enjoy your children socializing with their school friends.


Kindergarten field trip to the local fire station on Monday, 9/28.  We have been studying safety and community building in our classroom this month, so this will be a tangible way of enforcing this topic.


Look for the book fair from Tuesday, September 29th through October 2nd.

pin punching develops fine motor skills and concentration

pin punching develops fine motor skills and concentration

Parent Teacher Conferences are coming up.  There is a sign-up sheet by the P1 Communication Book.  Conferences will be held on Tuesday, September 29 and Wednesday, September 30 after school.  Thursday, October 1 is a  half day (dismissal at 11:15) with conferences available in the afternoon  and Friday, October 2 (no school for children) with conference times available from 8:00 to 4:00.


A great big thanks to Vivian D. and Lilly, and their families for providing delicious snacks and beautiful flowers for our room.