Fall is Here!

We introduced the concept of circle maps to the children this week.  A circle map is a literary tool designed to focus a thought process in describing a subject.  The subject is in a center circle and words (and/or pictures) are placed around the subject.  All of the adjectives fit in a concentric circle around the subject.  It is considered to be an effective tool for focusing thoughts to eventually writing a sentence about the subject.  Although many of our children are just learning their sounds, several of our kindergarteners were able to use words to describe the subject.  It was interesting to see the different levels of understanding of this concept in the multi-aged classroom.

 Mr. Bean was introduced to our outdoor classroom and is bringing new life to the children’s garden experience.  He arrived on Monday and is giving the children a simple, natural way of enjoying the garden while watching the movement of a large, happy rabbit.




International Children’s Day celebration is next Thursday, October 25th Reminder to all half-day afternoon students – please join us for ICD festivities in the morning from 8:30-11:15.  October 25th is a half-day for all students and primary dismissal is at 11:15. We are bringing the magic and beauty of Bolivia to our classroom.  Maria Cavalle (our room mother) just posted the sign-up sheet (on Sign Up Genius) for parents to participate in this unique FMS celebration.  Thank you to everyone who can help make this day special for our children.