Finding our way through this new way of doing school has its challenges. We are missing seeing and being with each one of you, students and parents. We are grateful for the technology to communicate with each other and yet the in person smile, touch and movement through the classroom is truly missed.
Our new classroom organization includes sending pre-recorded videos to you on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings, made by all three teachers. Kindergarten Zoom morning lessons are also conducted on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays and are following the format that would normally be taught to our Kindergarten students with goals being completed each day.
We trust that you have picked up (outside the school) packets of work for Pre-K and Kindergarten students. These are designed to support students in refining their math, writing and reading skills.
Friday mornings at 9:30 am we will be conducting our Zoom social meeting with all P1 students. This is a chance for all of us to be together in the virtual world. We will sing a few songs, maybe eat a snack together, and create a platform for us to interact with each other. You will receive the invitation via email from Ms. Melissa on Thursdays.

Thank you for doing your part in social distancing and staying healthy. We know it is not easy to disrupt routines, especially one as foundational as “going to school.” We appreciate the extra challenge of parents stepping into the teacher role and helping your child to keep the learning process going. This unprecedented time in our history will certainly leave its imprint upon our society, may we weather this storm together and be made stronger by the challenge.