Our Valentine’s Day celebration was sweetened by the making of heart shaped pancakes topped with strawberries and whipped cream.
Thanks to Evangelina (Roman’s mom), Heidi (Carl’s mom) and Michele (Sophia’s mom) for mixing and cooking the pancakes with us. Students came to class wearing their comfy pajamas and spent the morning doing Montessori work in between playing games and exchanging Valentines.

We completed our ocean studies about marine plant and animal life. One wall in the classroom was dedicated to creating a typical ocean ecosystem with fish both big and small, various marine animals, and seaweed. Our students helped paint, and then cut out the sea plants and animals. This visual model gives all of us a chance to admire and appreciate the ocean life on Earth.
Kindergartners recently took a field trip to the Estes McDoniel marine lab. It is such a great opportunity for our students to be hosted by the Estes McDoniel 5th grade students to learn about marine animals that we discuss in class. We know that pairing tangible experiences with information really makes the difference in the level of understanding and engagement for our students.

Friday, March 20 there is no school for students due to parent/teacher conferences.
Saturday, March 28th is the PTO Charity Fun Run, where donations and funds raised will be given to the Real Autism Difference organization. Come out and enjoy the morning by walking or running, followed by a pancake breakfast!
Special thanks too to Christi and her mother (Scarlett’s Mom and Grandmother) for making a special Dr. Seuss Day snack and craft.
A great big thanks to Camila and her family for providing delicious snacks and beautiful flowers for our classroom.