Greeting P1 students and families! As we adjust to our new way of staying home and being mindful of the part that each one of us plays in helping our community stay healthy, we also want to share our deepest intent of nurturing and supporting our FMS family. It is uncharted territory for each of us and the need to stay focused on what matters most is an important challenge for each of us.
Consistent, clear, repeatable processes are foundational to a Montessori education and in this unusual time we are in, the need for that kind of tempo and attention to the “how” things are getting done will serve us well. Tempting as it may be to get through the tasks at hand and keeping your child (children) occupied during this extended time together, we encourage you to take a moment, slow down and let the actions fill the space. There’s no place to be, except right here, right now. Try as best you can to experience the process more than simply completing the task at hand. We practice this discipline in the classroom and know that when we do it, our students experience calm and develop confidence in themselves.
We turn to the natural world for encouragement and inspiration, and find that especially in this time of uncertainty that the plant world knows exactly what to do, when. These plants were part of a Kindergarten lesson a few weeks ago, when beans and a wet cotton ball were placed in a sealed plastic bag and taped to the window. At first, it seemed like nothing was happening and then, the urge to grow, to expand to exist took over each plant and you can see the growth in front of you. We can take hope and inspiration in seeing the plants and flowers growing all around us and know that we too are heading in that same direction.
Looking forward to seeing all of our friends soon.
With love,
Ms. Melissa, Ms. Diana and Ms. Nancy