We are closing out the first month of the new year, and the students have embraced our solar system, space, and constellation studies with gusto. Kindergartners methodically created their own paper version of the solar system after hearing lessons from Ms. Melissa and Ms. Diana about each planet.

Creating planet books.
Keeping with Montessori practices of presenting material in a concrete way, the children were taught about our solar system through songs and movement. During whole group instruction, one child was chosen to be the sun, another the earth, and the third child represented the moon. The proper rotation times were then recited. For instance, “it takes 365 days for the earth to go around the sun” and “it takes 28 days for the moon to go around the earth.” An ample supply of planet books in our science area gave even our students the chance to learn about our solar system.

Learning about “magnetic and non-magnetic” objects.

Exploring Arctic animals.
On to a more earthly subject, considerable effort is used to teach and reinforce grace and courtesy in the classroom. Every Wednesday morning, Ms. Melissa gives a whole group peace lesson. At times she had talked about what makes someone a good friend (a good friend is kind, a good friend is helpful, and a good friend listens to your words).

Playing Spanish bingo.
It has been wonderful to watch our students employ these guidelines in some of their social relationships! Ms. Melissa routinely emphasizes the importance of using good manners. It has a profound effect on the room when students are using their good manners.

Practicing grading colors from dark to light.
As their interactions are respectful of each other, the room is more peaceful and deeper levels of concentration and learning are experienced in the space. Let’s keep this process going both at home and at school. We find that the more children use “please and thank you” in their daily interactions, the more natural and unprompted their responses become.
Thank you to Evangelina (Roman’s mom) and Heidi (Carl’s mom) for orchestrating the cooking project this month.
Wednesday, 1/30 is kindergarten re-enrollment information night at 5:00 pm for the 2019-2020 school year. All families who have currently enrolled pre-K children are encouraged to attend.

Writing in Spanish.
Thursday, 1/31 is 1st grade re-enrollment information night at 5:00 pm for the 2019-2020 school year. All families who have currently enrolled kindergarten children are encouraged to attend.
Friday, 2/1 is the PTO Family Bollywood Dance from 5:00 pm-9:00 pm, see you all there!

A Kindergartner giving a “touch tablet” lesson to a younger student.
Tuesday,2/5 is Parent/Child night where your child demonstrates favorite works in the classroom. Families whose last names begin with A-M are invited to the classroom from 4:15 pm-5:00 pm. Families whose last names begin with N-Z are invited to the classroom from 5:00 pm-5:45 pm.
A great big thanks to Noel, Simon, and their families for providing delicious snacks and beautiful flowers for our classroom.