Completing Black Elk’s medicine wheel. A lesson on peace from our peace curriculum.
At the beginning of every month, you can expect to see different cultural, art, and science materials coming home. The materials reflect the particular theme and subject matter found in our curriculum. For instance, we are introducing the concept of “vertebrates” and “invertebrates” along with mammals in our science area. Jobs on the shelves reflect this curriculum and any of the work coming home is an extension of our monthly themes.
One of the areas that gets a big monthly update is called Practical Life. The Practical Life area offers students a chance to develop practical skills that help them do things in life like slicing a strawberry and serving sections to a friend, or tweezing and pouring jobs designed to build the coordination and strength in the fingers to correctly grasp a pencil and learn to write comfortably.
Ever wonder what the themes are for the month? We invite you to look carefully at the calendar your child brings home at the start of the new month. A small art project (tied to the current theme) is made by the children and attached to the calendar. You will notice on these calendars that we include monthly themes and also highlight important dates for you to be aware of.

Completing the 100 Board!
These themes may give you discussion topics with your child, or enrich their new found knowledge with your experience. The year long curriculum can be found in the parent information packet we distributed earlier in August, during parent orientation.

Hand washing job.
The scholastic book fair was a big success and we appreciate the generosity of our families who donated books to our classroom.
Our Kindergarten field trip to the fire station was well attended and informative. We appreciate the watchful care our parent chaperones brought to their important task.
The PTO Fall Festival is on Friday, 10/19 from 5:00 pm -8:00 pm. Come and enjoy the lovely weather, games, music, and food with the whole FMS community. We are looking forward to seeing all of you there!

Learning about the geometric solids.

Working on the 1,000 chain.
Celebrate America Day is on Wednesday, 10/24. Your child may dress in a costume representing any state in the Union. They will enjoy an “excursion” through several classrooms, with each room hosting different states in the United States. An all school parade will commence around 11:00 am (parents are invited) and students will be dismissed at 11:15am.
No school on 10/25 due to teacher in-service.

Sequencing the knobbed cylinders.
No school on 10/26 in observance of Nevada Day.
Thanks to Caroline, Roman, and their families for supplying healthy and beautiful snacks, as well as flowers for our classroom.