As we approach the end of our school year, we take stock of the wonderful time we have had together. There were wonderful moments of academic breakthroughs, especially when students read for the first time. A great deal of preparation goes into crossing that threshold. First sound recognition, then seeing who sounds are put together to form words. Decoding words and recognizing sight words comes next. We were so pleased to hear many of our students reading fluidly and with inflection.

The end of the school year is usually filled with many activities and this year is no exception. Last week, we celebrated with our Spanish fiesta where, for the second year in a row, Coronado High School Spanish students facilitated activities in the three Spanish immersion classrooms, the multi purpose room, and on the field. We all spoke as much Spanish as we could and it was a wonderful chance for our children to see older students studying and using Spanish.

Parachute used during Spanish fiesta.

We know it is the end of the school year when we have field day! This week, with the help of parent volunteers, Coach Bob had several water themed activities for our students. There was an obstacle course, playing with all sizes of beach balls on the basketball court, and the ever popular activity of throwing water balloons. A good time was had by all! A special thanks to Coach Bob and our parent volunteers (Evan, Laura, Diana, Mae) for helping to make this day fun for all.

A special thanks to Kristina (Jonny’s Mom), Laura (Skye’s Mom) and Celeste (Cora’s Mom) for creating a healthy and creative cooking project.

Mother’s Day Tea was held today, and we recognize the profound role that mothers and grandmothers play in our students lives. It was a sweet morning of singing songs, enjoying each other’s company, and celebrating that special place in our hearts for our mothers.
Next Friday is Kindergarten Late Night! All Kindergartners are invited to attend from 5pm-8pm, while dinner and activities will be provided. This is a special night where we celebrate our Kindergartners and treat them to a fun-filled evening shared together.

Wednesday, 5/23 is the Kindergarten moving up ceremony. We will begin the celebration in P3 at 1:30 and at 2:00 we will move to the multi-purpose room to conclude the activities.

A big thanks to Emmett, Aubrie, Carl, and their families for providing healthy and delicious snacks and beautiful flowers for our classroom.

Friday, 5/18 from 5pm-8pm is Kindergarten late night.
Wednesday, 5/23 is our Kindergarten moving up ceremony starting at 1:30pm.
Friday, 5/25 is the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! Dismissal is at 11:15am.