The FMS Spanish immersion program is available in two primary classes (P1 and P2) and one lower elementary class (E3). Students receive all their lessons in English first, making sure that the concepts are understood, then they are given the same lessons in Spanish. The Spanish immersion program offers our students a unique opportunity for acquiring a second language.

Doing Spanish sound sorting work.
Research has shown that learning a second language “gives your brain a good workout and the process helps make the brain stronger.”
In our classroom, Ms. Melissa and Ms. Diana trade off days for giving various circle lessons. When Ms. Diana gives her lessons, she speaks entirely in Spanish, immersing the children in the language. Over time, the children recognize the common directions such as “lavarse sus manos” (wash your hands) and “sientate, por favor” (please sit down).
Not only are our students acquiring the skills to communicate in a second language, the very act of learning a second language has useful benefits. “Brain researchers who study bilingualism believe that the act of juggling two languages strengthens the brain system that helps people pay attention. That strong capacity to focus might be what leads to better academic performance in some children who grow up bilingual or attend language immersion programs.” Mind/Shift, September 2014
The executive function of the brain has to do more “every time you speak, both languages pop up and the executive control system has to sort through everything and attend to what’s relevant in the moment. Therefore the bilinguals use that system more, and it’s that regular use that makes that system more efficient.”The New York Times, May 2011.
Research has also shown the long term benefits of learning a second language at such a young age trains the brain to think with more flexibility and ease, especially when information changes and a student is required to re-evaluate and apply a new order to data. Dual language learners are already used to juggling two completely different systems at the same time and this process helps them be more adaptable to other academic challenges.
We followed a special family recipe for pumpkin muffins, thanks to Celeste Martin (Cora’s Mom). With help from Laura (Skye’s Mom) and Kristina (Jonny’s Mom) all went smoothly in the kitchen. Thanks!
International Children’s Day is next Wednesday 10/25. Your child may dress up in any costume representing a nationality, or a realistic animal. Students will be dismissed at 11:15am.
No School on 10/26 due to teacher in-service.
No school on 10/27 in honor of Nevada Day.

Ms. Melissa leading the class in a Yoga pose called “tree.”
Parent/child night on Thursday 11/2. If your last name starts with A-M please come at 4:15-5:00, and if your last name starts with N-Z please come at 5:00-5:45. Your child will show you materials they are working with and give you a first hand view of their experience in the classroom.
Our first, whole class field trip is scheduled for Tuesday 11/7 to the NV State Museum (located at the Springs Preserves). The bus will leave by 8:30 am and return to school by 11:15am. Please remind your child to wear their orange FMS t-shirt.
Thanks to Noel, Sydney, and their families for supplying healthy and beautiful snacks, as well as flowers for our classroom.