As the end of our 2016-2017 school year is drawing near, we reflect upon the time we have shared together.
It was a year filled with new discoveries such as children reading for the first time to students who found their own voice when writing picture stories.
Some children, brand new to FMS, learned about walking independently up to the P1 door and successfully saying “goodbye” to a parent for the day.
Our efforts are always directed to helping our students to grow as people, to walk the path of peace, and to stir the fire of curiosity from within themselves.

Exploring the Great Barrier Reef of Australia.
Every day brought opportunities to practice grace and courtesy, and to extend acts of kindness. We were amazed by the abilities of our students to implement these basic, important social skills.

Practicing grace and courtesy, by serving banana slices to friends.
As we go into the summer months, we encourage you to take advantage of this precious time and enjoy the magical moments that arise when quiet, easy moments are spent together.
Summertime reading is always high on our list of recommendations, both reading to your child, and having them read to you (if they are able).
Please encourage grace and courtesy from your child and if you are inclined, make a way for them to participate in taking care of your shared space.
Let them do for themselves what they are able to do, such as putting toys away, making their bed, or emptying the silverware from the dishwasher.
Small chores can have a big impact on young children, as they see themselves as active and engaged participants in your family. Most of all, have fun, be safe and stay cool!
The end of the school year was marked by a Spanish Fiesta, followed by Field Day.
The Spanish Fiesta was extra special this year, as we had Coronado High School Spanish students help run the craft and activity stations.
Watching the older students speaking so sweetly and clearly with our children was inspiring.
Several of the Coronado students were FMS alumni which added an extra special layer of community to our event.
Field Day was also enjoyed by all as the children ran around doing obstacle courses, wet sponge relays, and then eating delicious popsicles in the outdoor classroom.
A special thanks to Coach Bob for organizing the event and for all of our parent volunteers who helped make it happen (especially Diana, Evan and Sophia). We are grateful to our PTO for providing fruit popsicles and water.
Kindergarten late night event is Friday, June 2nd from 5-8pm.
Kindergarten moving up ceremony is Wednesday, June 7th at 1:30 pm.
LAST DAY OF SCHOOL is on Friday, June 9th, dismissal is at 11:15am.
A great big thanks to Sydney, Chloe and their families for providing delicious snacks and beautiful flowers for our classroom.