Thank you to all of our moms (and Grandmothers) who visited our classroom and made the Mother’s Day Tea a sweet memory for all of us.
The children were so courteous as they practiced their manners and invited their mothers to enjoy a snack with them. The delight in the eyes of the mothers as they opened their presents was priceless!
We look forward to this event every year, and it gives us great pleasure to see the children basking in the glow of their mother’s love.
The end of the year is upon us and even in the stirring of summer calling, the children are engrossed in doing the work in the classroom. It is at this time of the year that we begin to see active mentoring going on between our kindergartners and the younger students in the room.
Dr. Montessori saw the advantage of mixed aged groups in her classrooms, and we continue to see the wisdom of this approach. Not only are the ears and eyes of the younger student tuned in clearly to their older peers, but the students giving the lesson have truly mastered the concepts they are presenting. This, in turn, directly builds upon their self confidence every time they give the lesson.
Every year, the Spanish Immersion classes get together and have a fiesta (party) to celebrate the end of the school year. We are looking forward to that event on Monday, 5/22.

Examining reaction of baking soda, soap, colored water and vinegar.
Two days later, we spend the morning doing water activities out on the field with Coach Bob.
On Wednesday, 5/24 we ask that our students come dressed in their swimsuits (swim shirts and shoes too). Please also bring a change of dry clothes (labeled in a zip-lock bag) dry shoes and a towel. It is best to apply sunscreen at home as we expect our temperatures to be on the rise.
We look forward to this fun event and appreciate the parents who are volunteering.
No school on Monday, 5/29 in honor of Memorial Day.
Kindergarten Late Night celebration will be held on Friday, 6/2 from 5pm-8pm.
Kindergarten Moving Up ceremony is scheduled for Wednesday, 6/7 at 1:30.
The last day of school is on Friday, 6/9 with dismissal at 11:15am.
A great big thanks to Valentina, Alex and Siddhan, and their families for providing delicious snacks and beautiful flowers for our classroom.

Doing research about people from Africa.