A major component of the pre-school/Kindergarten experience in a Montessori classroom, is learning grace and courtesy. Learning how to interact with others and to engage in conflict resolution when things are not “going your way” are some of the key concepts that we spend time teaching the students.
Recently, Ms. Melissa gave a lesson on the “good, kind deeds tree,” a concept that author Sonnie McFarland portrays in her book “Honoring the Light of the Child”.
This book develops a peace curriculum that can be used in the classroom to help students understand that everyone experiences difficulties in life and offers ideas and activities to promote positive problem solving skills. Communication through words and acts of kindness are recognized as ways to handle difficult situations and help our classroom be a peaceful place.

Black Elk’s medicine wheel.

Turning stumbling blocks into stepping stones of peaceful resolution.

Helping to make the “good, kind deeds tree” flower.
In our classroom, when students do something from the goodness of their hearts and help another student, or help to care for the classroom environment, we invite them to place a flower on the good, kind deeds tree.
Over the course of a day, the tree can be full of flowers, bringing a positive reflection of the behavior in the classroom.
We’ve also spent some time talking about “tattling” to a teacher with the underlying intent of getting the other person in trouble. As the children learn to speak directly to each other instead of trying to pull the teacher in as mediator, there is a softening of the edges and students develop the skills to work out difficulties independently.
Finally, we continue to use the Peace Rose as a symbolic tool of communication where children can take turns talking in order to verbalize their feelings and show the other child the effects of their behavior.
The dialogue between the students is measured and shared, where each child gets the opportunity to speak and to listen. When resolution is achieved, the children each hold the rose and declare “friends” or “peace.”
A big thanks to the parents who helped in the preparation and implementation of World History Day! We truly appreciate your talents, assistance and your support.
And a special thanks to our Middle School students, Keji, Riley and Ashlee for facilitating the World History Day activities in our room.

Feeding a tortoise.
Kindergarten field trip to Red Rock Canyon on Friday 11/18. Please wear your bright green FMS shirt and pack a sack lunch.

Working with North American animals job.
Half day dismissal on Wednesday 11/23 at 11:15am for the Thanksgiving Break. Here’s hoping that we all have a bountiful and beautiful break, spending time with friends and family.

A Kindergartner student helping a pre-K student do a three part card job.

Completing the “100 Chain.”
Thank you to Riishab and Alex, and their families, for providing delicious snacks and beautiful flowers for our classroom.
Showing the versatility of triangles: