We have settled easily into our first few weeks of school. Since the vast majority of students are returning from last year, the children are familiar with the fundamentals of being in a Montessori classroom, such as applying the grace and courtesy lessons which help guide the children to handling materials with respect and focus, and also to treat each other with care and awareness.
The children are practicing with familiar works in a manner that shows us they understood the core lesson involved.
Once a solid foundation is laid on how to use the materials in a specific way, the child builds confidence each time they engage the job, and the more focused and satisfied they look when they are doing it.
The handful of children, new to our classroom, have also integrated easily due to the positive influence of their peers.
There is a group awareness of how to move in the classroom, how to handle materials, how to listen to directions and it is positively affecting our new students.
Our foundation is laid, and the positive growth is there before us.
Please continue sending in healthy lunches.
We ask the children to lay out a napkin on the table and set their food upon that during lunch. We provide paper napkins when necessary, but ideally a cloth napkin should be sent in with them.
We were nurtured by the wonderful snacks and flowers brought in by Zoey and Eli (and their families) and we are grateful to them for doing that.
If you would like to sign up to bring in snack or flowers, see the sign up sheet by the door.
Thank you for a wonderful start to our 2014-2015 school year!