The days are getting warmer as we wind down to the end of our 2013-2014 school year. Please apply sunblock to your child daily before coming to school and make sure any hats, visors, and water bottles are labeled with your child’s name. Tomorrow is Field Day, please label all items brought to school with your child tomorrow.
Important Dates to Remember:
Wednesday, May 21st: Field Day. We will begin at 8:45. Afternoon friends are welcome to join us. Please provide safe, close-toed shoes, change of clothes & towel, and sunblock already applied.
Monday, May 26th: NO SCHOOL Memorial Day.
Friday, May 30th: Kindergarten Late Night. 5:00pm-8:00pm.
Wednesday, June 4th: Kindergarten Moving-Up Ceremony. 1:30pm
Friday, June 6th: Last Day of School, 1/2 Day. 11:15am dismissal.
Our final units of study are the continent of Africa, Insects and Invertebrates. We have learned that insect bodies are divided into 3 parts, they have 6 legs, 2 antennae, lay eggs, are the smallest, oldest and most populous on Earth. We discussed the different uses their body parts have and how they are different from us. This week we will talk about other animals around us that are invertebrates, where they live, what they eat and their use for the world around us. Ms. Jessie also gave us an important lesson on Ghana, a country in Africa. We learned what resources we get from here, what their flag represents and many other important things about the animals and people of Ghana.
It has been such a pleasure working with each and every one of your little beings here in P1. We hope you join us for a week of summer camp here at FMS. Have a wonderful, safe weekend!
Ms. Jessie, Ms. Brianna, and Ms. Julie