Africa, here we come.


As we enter our final full month together, we step into the fascinating continent of Africa.  It is the world’s second-largest and second-most-populous continent.  It is often referred to as the “birthplace of humans” and we will explore this idea along with the geography, music, art and culture of this continent.  If any parents have any artifacts from Africa and would like to make a presentation to the class or do a special cooking project, we would enjoy hearing from you.

At the same time, during the month of May we will be exploring the wonderful world of insects.  Where do insects fit on the evolutionary scale?  How do they fit in with the cycles of nature?  Why are there so many of them?  Besides biting humans, what very important functions do they do that directly affect human’s lives?  Stay tuned for these exciting developments!



Mother’s Day Tea is set for next Friday, May 10th at 10:30-11:15am.  We are looking forward to sharing this sweet and special time with each of you.





Thank you to Zoey and her family for providing healthy and beautiful snacks this week.



Have a restful weekend, 

Ms. Lina, Ms. Nancy, Ms. Julie