We celebrated Earth Day this week by showing the children how to finish off a cloth napkin using a sewing machine. It is our hope that the children will use this cloth napkin in place of disposable napkins in their daily lunches. We have been pleased with the number of children who have brought plastic bottles to our attention showing us the recycling symbol on the bottom. It is this awareness of the Earth and our impact upon it, that we are gently trying to impress upon the children.
After all, together we are laying the foundation for the development of the future generation of people who will guide and direct the course of our society. It is a key tenet of Dr. Montessori that “the work of man on the Earth is related to his spirit, to his creative intelligence, then his spirit and his intelligence must be the fulcrum of his existence, and of all the workings of his body.” (The Absorbent Mind pg. 61). Thank you for entrusting us with this sacred and profound duty of helping to guide your child’s core development.
Thank you Mr. Donelson (Lola’s Dad) and Mrs. Etyemezian (Anouk’s mom), Mrs. Goldman (Kate’s mom) and Kate’s Grandmother (Laura) for providing the materials and time to make the Earth Day napkins.
A special visit was made by Officer DeSpain (Zoey’s mom) as she shared safety tips with us. Thank you!
Please note some key dates coming up in May:
May 10th: Mother’s Day Tea 10:30-11:15
May 14th: Field trip to Discovery Children’s Museum (please arrive by 8:30am) afternoon children are encouraged to attend.
May 30th: Musical Performance- 10:00-10:45
A big, hearty thanks to Elie and her family for providing delicious snacks and beautiful flowers to our classroom this week.
Have a restful weekend,
Ms. Lina, Ms. Nancy, Ms. Julie