Seasons Greetings from P1

Our classroom was filled with the sound of singing voices, both from the children and their parents as we celebrated the season with holiday songs.  Everyone joined in with singing “:Feliz Navidad” and it was the crowning touch of a very enjoyable gathering.  We also had a variety of edible delights, lovingly baked by Maria Cavalle…THANK YOU!

On the same day as our sing-a-long, we were also gifted with the presence of students from E6 who brought in their favorite holiday books to read to our children.  Not only were entertaining stories shared by all, but E6 students brought in a treat for nibbling.  We are grateful for their generosity.




 Thanks also to Brooke and her family for bringing in delicious snacks this week.








Thanks to Mr. O’Meara for sharing Ireland with us.







Have a safe and restful winter break.  We are all thankful for the heartfelt connection we share with you, your children and among ourselves.


See you next year!  (school resumes Tuesday, January 8th)


Ms. Lina, Ms. Nancy, Ms. Julie






































































Greetings from P1


This week we experienced the magic of the Christmas season by looking at the symbols of the season.  Ms. Lina gave a beautiful rendition of the love of the poinsettia plant and how it got its red leaves (from an in-pouring of love and friendship).  The children also got to see other symbols like St. Nicholas, the Christmas tree, stars and other reminders of this season being a time of sharing love, family and friendships. 







Spanish lessons continue to evolve and the children are exploring math and language using their second language.  Throughout the day, directions and guidance is given to the children in Spanish.  Often the children can be heard singing or counting in Spanish.



Thank you for the abundance of food donations made by our families to those in our community who are in need.  We will be delivering the food to Hope Link this week. 

A hearty thanks to Oscar and his family for providing delicious snacks and brightening our room with lovely flowers.





Tuesday:  12/18/12   Join us at 10:15am in the classroom for our Annual Holiday Sing-A-Long.

Friday:     12/21/12   Dismissal at 11:15am for the start of our Winter Break!

Tuesday:  1/8/13    School Resumes

 Have a restful weekend,

 Ms. Lina, Ms. Nancy, Ms. Julie




Greetings from P1


This week we looked at the celebration of Hanukkah and the beauty of Menorahs.  We talked about the ancient Maccabee’s and the little jar of oil that lasted eight long days.  Dreidels were also discussed and we incorporated the elements of “chance” and the four possibilities of taking “nun=nothing”, “gimel=all”, “hei=half” and “shin=put in”.  A fun time was had by all. 


We are also looking at winter environments, and this

 week with the help of “instant snow” and water, Ms. Lina made snow in our classroom. Thechildren had an opportunity to explore with it in the science area. She also explored the wonder and variety of snowflakes.  We encourage all our families to visit Mt. Charleston sometime this winter to let your children experience the “real thing!”


Our winter sing-a-long is scheduled for Tuesday, 12/18 at 10:15.  Please be sure to attend and experience the sweetness of your children singing holiday songs.  We are enjoying all of the practicing!


Thank you to Lola and her family for providing delicious snack this week.


Have a restful weekend,


Ms. Lina, Ms. Nancy, Ms. Julie